Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What does it all mean?, Taste, pt 7

Together, we’ve been (more or less) reviewing the tastes, where they come from, what they mean to the body, and what the body might be telling you when you crave a certain food. Sometimes you may not recognize the craving, but you may just feel hungry, sometimes even after having eaten. Your brain might be saying, “Hey! You just ate, you really shouldn’t be hungry.” But at the same time, you just feel like eating, or maybe you’re getting hungry but can’t really tell why. If your meal (or your diet) isn’t in the right balance, your body may be trying to signal that it is missing something. This could be energy, vitamins, minerals or protein. Sometimes you can tell which – let’s review:

Sweet – energy
Bitter – danger, or perhaps nutrient rich
Sour – pH balance
Salty – electrolyte balance
Savory – protein

Sometimes you can’t, it may just be a general hungry feeling. But no fear, there’s a simple way to make sure you’re getting everything you need, and I’ll tell you my secret because I’m feeling particularly generous today – keep a balanced diet. Get plenty of grains, fruits, veggies and protein. This will help ensure that your body is getting everything it needs – energy, vitamins, minerals and nitrogen (protein) to keep the body running smoothly and efficiently. In turn, this will help you stay healthy so you can keep up your busy active life.

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